LBR iiwa
With the LBR iiwa, one of KUKA's lightweight cobots specialized in delicate assembly work, safety fences make way for human-robot-collaboration in the workspace.
The LBR iiwa is the world's first series-produced sensitive, and therefore HRC-compatible, robot. LBR stands for "Leichtbauroboter" (German for lightweight robot), iiwa for "intelligent industrial work assistant". With the LBR iiwa, humans and robots can work together on highly sensitive tasks in close cooperation, opening the possibility of new applications and paving the way for greater cost-effectiveness and efficiency.
When grouped with its smaller sibling, the LBR iisy running on KUKA's new operating system, iiQKA.OS, KUKA's lightweight robot portfolio can handle cobot applications from small to large and simple to complex.