The procedure to operate the KUKA robotic arm is as follows:
Search for KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 STL files on the internet. Download the STL files for all the robot's links and joints.
Open Blender.Import the STL files (File > Import > STL).Arrange and join the links properly to form the complete robot model.
Ensure each link is parented to its respective joint for proper movement. Structure the robot so that transformations on the joints affect the subsequent links correctly.
Once the model is fully assembled and functional, export it as a glTF file (File > Export > glTF 2.0).Ensure to export both .gltf and .bin files.
To set up the Three.js environment, initialize the scene and camera, add appropriate lighting, and load the robot model.
Now to apply Forward kinematics for the model.
Create functions to update the robot's joint angles based on user input and calculate the transformation matrix..
Define joint transformations to apply rotations based on input angles.
Add event listeners to sliders to capture input angles and update the robot configuration.
Compute and display the transformation matrix and end effector position based on the joint angles.
SCreate an animation loop to render the scene continuously.
Implementing Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Inverse Kinematics.
Define a psoInverseKinematics function that initializes particles with random joint angles and velocities, creates a loop to update particle positions and velocities based on their fitness, local best positions, and global best position.
Defines a fitness function that computes the distance between the end-effector and the target position. Update the robot's joint angles to the best found solution and update the end-effector position.
Use the best found solution from the PSO to update the robot's joint angles.Update the end-effector position based on the new joint angles.